Reserved Passengers alert system in Railways by P Arun Kumar, PG Scholar, Prof P Siva Prasad, Assistant Professor of ECE, RVR&JC College Engineering (Autonomous), Guntur,AP.INDIA
Digital Deliberation Board System for South Central Railway by SK Eliyaz, PG Scholar, Prof N Renuka, Associate Professor of ECE, RVR&JC College Engineering (Autonomous), Guntur,AP.INDIA
Digital Eye for Coach guidance Automation by P Ramya,PG Scholar, Dr.T.Ranga Babu, Professor of ECE, RVR&JC College Engineering (Autonomous), Guntur,AP.INDIA
Automated and Decentralized Block chain Water Level Audit System by Prof M Venkateswara Rao, Associate Professor and Head of IT, K Pranitha, T Hima Bindu, T Sagar, B.Tech Project Students, Dept. of Information Technology, Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Aushapur, Hyderabad