Introducing a Static Non-Linear Distortion Noise Removal by Using Digital Communication Systems by Mr.K Surendra, M.Tech (SIGNAL PROCESSING & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING), Ms.D. Kamala Kumari, Assistant Professor, R.Veerabhadraiah, Associate Professor and Head of Electronics & Communication Engineering Nimra College of Engineering & Technology, IBM, A.P., India.
Modelling and Design of Three and Four-Wheel Omni-Directional Robot by Mr.Munim Matin Afridi, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, WEC UW, Wah Cantonment, Pakistan.
Full-Bridge Reactive Power Compensator with Minimized-Equipped Capacitor and its Application to Static Var Compensator by Mr.E.MADHU BABU, M.Tech(P)., Mr.MD.FIROZ ALI, Associate Professor and HOD of EEE, Nimra College of Engineering & Technology, A.P, India.
Various Problem Solving Approaches with Python- A Case Study by Mr.Prasanth Kumar Godi, Assistant Professor, Dr.Adidela Daveedu Raju, Professor of CSE, Dr.G Sreenivasa Rao, Professor of CSE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, Andhra Prasdesh, India.