Consistency as a Service A Novel Service in Cloud for Auditing by Sk.Noor Fathima M.Tech(CSE), Md.Imran, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Nimra Institute of Science & Technology, A.P., India
A Novel Method Avoids the Fall-Off Boundaries by Using Try-Way Pixel Value Difference and Modulus Function in Image Steganography by Professor Y.Kumari, Mr.G.V. Ramanaiah, Associate Professor of ECE,PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, India
Optimum Resource Allocation of Overlay Routing Relay Nodes in Cost-Effective Basis by Mr.Addanki Rajesh M.Tech (CSE), Mr.Md Amanatulla , Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Nimra Institute of Science & Technology, India.
Preserving Privacy and Providing Auditability for Cloud Assisted Mobile-Access of Health Data by D.Nirmala M.Tech (CSE), N.Madhu Bindu,Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, MVR College of Engineering & Technology, A.P, India.
Enhanced Multivariate Correlation Analysis (MCA) Based Denial-of-Service Attack Detection by Pathan Reshma M.Tech (CSE), MD.Imran, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nimra Institute of Science & Technology, A.P., India.
HACE Theorem-based Data Mining with Big Data by Shaik Johnsaida M.Tech (CSE), Department of CSE, Dr.Akbar Khan Principal,Nimra Institute of Science & Technology, A.P, India.
Boosting Performance of Data Access by using Cooperative Caching in Disruption Tolerant Networks by Valeti Sudheerbabu M.Tech (CSE), Mr.P.B.V.N Durga Prasad, Associate Professor, Department of CSE,MVR College of Engineering & Technology, A.P., India.
Accelerating Performance of Data Access in Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs) by using Cooperative Caching by Md Khaleelur Rahaman M.Tech (CSE), G Preethi Asst Professor, Mr. Sayeed Yasin HOD of CSE, Nimra College of Engineering and Technology, A.P., India
A Novel Social Authenticating Approach based on Trustees Selection and Defending Strategies by Kadiyala Nagasravani M.Tech (CS), Md Imran Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,Nimra Institute of Science & Technology, A.P., India
Data Mining: The Security safeguarding in Big Data by K.Rama Devi Assistant Professor of CSE, V.Nvya Sree Assistant Professor of CSE, Padmaja Grandhe Associate Professor of CSE, PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, Vijayawada-1, AP, India.
A Novel Backup Model for Trustee based Authenticated Social Networks by Kosana Venkatesh M.Tech (CSE), BVN Prasad Paruchuri Associate Professor, Department of CSE,MVR College of Engineering and Technology, A.P, India.
Different Genetic Approaches for Solving Single & Multi-Objective Optimization Problems by John Wesley Bandela Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Santhanam Gonthupulugu Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, Vijayawada-1
Providing Secured Auditing and Consistency as a Service in Cloud by Abeed Shaik M.Tech (CSE), G Preethi Assistant Professor of CSE, Sayeed Yasin HOD of CSE, Nimra College of Engineering and Technology, A.P., India
A Fine-Grained Control of Revocable Data Access for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage by Shaik Jareena Begum M.Tech (CSE), , Sayeed Yasin HOD of CSE, Nimra College of Engineering and Technology, A.P., India.
The Review and New Challenges in Image Mining Process by Mr.SD.Khasim, Eswar College of Engineering, AP,INDIA.
Review and Rating: Discovery of Ranking Fraud Detection by P.B.V.N.PRASADA, Associate Professor, Y.SIVA RAMAIAH, Assistant Professor, M.CHANDRA SEKHAR, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MVR College of Engineering & Technology, A.P., India.