Enhancement of Power in Hybrid Circuits using Adiabatic Techniques by G.V.Ramanaih, Y.Kumari of PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology,India.
Decoupling & Journaling File Systems from Consistent Hashing in SMPs by K.Sudhakar, K.Ramadevi, Faculty of CSE, PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, AP,India.
Synthesizing Digital-to-Analog Converters and Internet QoS Using Hipe by G.Madhusudana Rao, K.Sudhakar, Faculty of ECE, CSE, VSR&NVR Engineering College, Tenali, PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, AP,INDIA.
Constructing Write-Back Caches and Red-Black Trees Using Hoverer by S.B.Rajendra Prasad, G.Rambabu of PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, AP, INDIA
Improved Performance of STATIC Compensator for Grid Connected Wind System Using IRP Theory by N.Saida Naik of PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, AP,INDIA.
Cid:A Methodology for the Simulation of E-Commerce by B.Hanumantha Rao, CH.Ramaiah of PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology,India
Refining Access Points and Web browsers by K.Sudhakar, Vamsi Krishna Faculty of CSE, PSCMR College of Engineering&Technology, Vignan’s LARA Institute of Technology & Science.
Methods of Automatic Annotation and Retrieval of Medical Images by Mr.SD.Khasim, Eswar College of Engineering, AP, INDIA.
Fingerprint Distortion Detection: An Automated Method of Verifying a Match between Two Human Fingerprint by D.SRINIVAS, Associate Professor, P.B.V.N.PRASAD, Associate Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MVR College of Engineering & Technology, A.P., India.